Simply put, Reiki is energy work. Yes, you don't see it, just like you don't see the energy going from the wall to your toaster, but you know you'll get toast in two minutes!
Energy work has been around for millennia, however Mikao Usui is believed to be the "creator" of Reiki as we know it today. Mrs. Hawayo Takata  brought Reiki from Japan to the West in 1937 and shared it with others. It is now a commonly found healing modality. 
It's somewhat similar to accupuncture, but without the needles. A practioner will have you either lie or sit (fully clothed) and direct their energy to you. This CAN be done remotely as well which makes it an incredibly efficient form of healing. It can be used as part of an Intuitive Life Coaching session or as its own session.